Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression is A New Revolutionary Technology that Safely and Effectively Relieves Chronic Lower Back Pain – Allamuchy, NJ
If you have had injuries in the lower back that are still causing pain and discomfort, there is a new, revolutionary technology known as nonsurgical spinal decompression. This procedure applies distraction forces to the spinal cord in order to create a vacuum inside the targeted discs, providing safe and effective treatment for these injuries.
There a number of benefits of spinal decompression, particularly the relief of chronic lower back pain that extends down the leg and which can severely hinder movement. Because the cycles of decompression and partial relaxation of the discs promote the diffusion of water and oxygen, as well as other nutrient-rich fluids, to flow from outside the discs to the inside, the torn or degenerated disc fibers can begin to heal through a series of visits.
Doctors choose nonsurgical spinal decompression therapy in Allamuchy, NJ in order to treat bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, posterior facet syndromes, herniated discs, diseased spinal nerve roots, pinched nerves, and radiating arm pain. Proper patient screening is done at the Village Family Clinic prior to treatment because well-qualified candidates experience the highest level of success with this type of therapy.
To find out more about the benefits of nonsurgical spinal decompression therapy, contact the Village Family Clinic.